Many of our customers see significant benefits in making a game better and bieng provided with a quality
Here are a few of the mods we offer, to be a member, you will get mods that are more benefited, and more better through-out
your progress of you situation in the clan, you have to be 14+ to join, but you have to be 18+ to be a server admin, so please,
make sure that you have sent an email to for recruiting, or if you would like to be an admin and play on the server please contact he is also a recruiter. so please refer to anyone you would like to speak to! thankyou and there is a little help about the
mods we do :
{YmS}The_One9000 = Skinning, Avaters, Wallhack Skins, Sound mods, Textures and ( low format scripting )
{YmS}0wndja = scripting ( High scripting standards ) Maps, Mods, and tank mods, skins and spawn scripting.
The mods The_One9000 does are only to do with re-make skinning and hacking wall skins, so please make sure if you are
looking for hack advice go to but if your looking for other stuff go here as he is better then me! he does scripting and models, lol.. i model, but i DONT Uv_map or Uv_Skinning etc...
For More Information
If you do not see what you are looking for on this page, please let us know. We will try to find what you need as quickly
as possible.